Headteachers: How To Say No To Budget Requests

Heads No Budget

As a Headteacher, saying ‘no’ to someone is a regular occurrence and more often than not, it’s easy.  However, when it comes to budget requests, it can feel conflicting when you know that if you had more money, it would be something you would say yes to.

Everyone working in education knows that funding is dire but there are some ways you can mitigate the impact on your staff in those situations where you find yourself having to say no:

Don’t be bounced into a decision

It’s easy to find yourself on the automated ‘no’ train. If you’re caught at a bad moment, not able to take in the facts or you need more information then say so. Alternatively, refer the member of staff to your SBM to talk it through in more detail before formally submitting their request.

Consult your SBM

To ensure that your making sound expenditure decisions, make sure you have the latest information; especially if it’s a budget request you’d like to facilitate. Your SBM can assist you in looking at patterns of expenditure, funding priorities and perhaps cheaper alternatives.

Keep a long term view

Though you might have to say ‘no’ today, the financial picture will continue to shift throughout the year. Keep a list of budget requests that you receive that you can’t afford right now and review them each month with your SBM. What isn’t affordable today may well be in the future.

Provide an explanation

Saying ‘no’ and leaving it there can leave staff feeling unheard. If you provide an explanation as to why you’ve had to say no, your staff will feel that they’ve been listened to and that there is clear reasoning behind your decision. If it’s a budget request that you’d like to support but simply can’t, make this clear to your staff. Say something positive about their idea and where possible, offer some advice on how they can move forward.

Educate your staff

The more your staff understand the financial picture of your school, the more mindful they will be when making a budget request. Provide updates at appropriate meetings and encourage Senior and Middle Leaders to work with your SBM on their allocated budgets on a regular basis. This way, when you do you have to say ‘no’, it won’t be as much of a shock and the explanation will be straightforward.

Be firm

If you have to decline a budget request, you’ve explained your reasons why and you’re comfortable with your decision, it may be that the member of staff still continues to argue their case. Don’t be tempted to back down. If you have to say ‘no’ more than once, then do so and conclude the discussion politely and firmly.

Having to say ‘no’ when you’d like to say ‘yes’ is not easy but being honest and transparent with your staff will create a positive financial culture in your school in the long run.

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Written for: Primary School Management Magazine (@primaryleaders)

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